Coalition Australia Complaints Procedure
Coalition Insurance Solutions Pty Ltd (ACN 657 140 791) (‘Coalition Australia’) makes every effort to deliver a high-quality service to our customers, and is committed to complying with all of its regulatory requirements applicable to its business, which includes its internal dispute resolution (IDR) and external dispute resolution (EDR) obligations under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and RG 271 – internal dispute resolution.
If you are a customer and have a complaint about one of our products or the service you received, either from us directly or from one of our partners or suppliers, we would like to hear about it and have the opportunity to resolve it as quickly and fairly as possible. We operate a swift and effective complaints handling procedure, as follows:
Your complaint can be made orally or in writing, and on your behalf by a third party.
If you wish to make a complaint you should contact or call our 24 hour helpline on tel: +61261898062. We also have an online chat facility on our website where complaints can also be raised.
Upon receipt of your complaint, it will be logged on our internal complaints database. The information stored is used by Coalition Australia to identify any areas of concern and generally improve the service we provide to our customers.
Once a complaint has been received, we will acknowledge your complaint within one working day or as soon as practicable. We will tell you the name and relevant contact details of the person assigned to liaise with you about your Complaint. Your Complaint will be handled by a person with appropriate authority, knowledge or experience. This will not be the person whose decision or conduct is what your Complaint is about.
We strive to resolve customer complaints as quickly as possible and at the first point of contact. If we resolve your complaint to your satisfaction within 5 days of receiving your complaint, you will not receive a written resolution communication, unless your complaint relates to a declined insurance claim, the value of an insurance claim, or hardship.
However, if we are unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction within 5 days of receiving your complaint, your complaint will be referred to the Head of Legal and Compliance. The Head of Legal & Compliance team will try to resolve the complaint as soon as possible, but it may take up to 30 days. We will keep you informed about the progress of your Complaint at least every 10 Business Days, unless it is resolved earlier or you agree to a different timeframe. You will receive a written resolution communication in this instance, which will include the final outcome of the complaint, information about your right to refer your complaint to AFCA if you remain dissatisfied, and AFCA contact details.
We may take longer than 30 days to investigate and resolve your complaint though where there are complex circumstances or circumstances beyond our control causing a delay, or if we need more information from the complainant. In the event that we are unable to resolve your complaint within this timeframe, we will provide you with a delay notification within 30 days of receiving the complaint. The delay notification will inform you of the reasons for the delay, your right to refer your complaint to AFCA if you are dissatisfied, AFCA's contact details, and when you can expect an outcome.
When we are considering your Complaint, we will only ask for, and rely on, information that is relevant to our decision.
In order to resolve a complaint, we consider a range of remedies, including but not limited to: an explanation of the circumstances giving rise to the complaint, an apology, providing assistance and support, a refund or waiver of a fee or charge (as appropriate), a goodwill payment (as appropriate), correcting incorrect or out-of-date records, and undertaking to set in place improvements to systems, procedures or products.
If we reject or partially reject your complaint, we will set out the reasons for the decision within your written resolution communication, which will include acknowledging and addressing the issues you have raised and detailing the findings of our investigation that support our decision.
If your complaint should be more appropriately dealt with by another firm, we will ensure that it is referred to them promptly. We will make this referral to the other firm in writing and advise you by way of a written response that the referral has been made and include the other firm’s contact details.
Where we are jointly/ partially responsible for responding to your complaint, we will resolve our part of the complaint which has not been forwarded in accordance with this complaints procedure.
We remain committed to providing you with an outcome within 30 calendar days. If you are not satisfied with our decision or a decision is not reached within 30 calendar days, you may lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) an external dispute resolution scheme which is independent and free to you (subject to its relevant terms and rules).
Coalition Australia's AFCA member number is 94970 and will provide customers with information about AFCA in welcome packs, online, in our Product Disclosure Statements and Financial Services Guides.
Coalition Australia will not refer cases to AFCA on your behalf.
Australian Financial Complaints Authority contact details are:
Phone: 1800 931 678
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001
Please note that AFCA will not consider a complaint/dispute unless it is lodged before the earlier of the following time limits:
within 2 years of the date of our final IDR response; and
within 6 years of the date when you first became aware (or should reasonably have become aware) that you suffered the loss.
However, AFCA may still consider a complaint/dispute lodged after either of these time limits if it considers that exceptional circumstances apply. Refer to the AFCA website for more details.
None of the financial services Coalition Australia will provide are covered by the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal.