Cyber Incident? Get Help
Profile Pic for Catherine Lyle
authorCatherine LyleAuthor
Cover > Blog: Golden Ticket
Coalition Claims Chronicles: A Golden Ticket is all that’s needed to access your restaurant’s credit card transactionsThis series shares real stories from Coalition policyholders. Attackers phished a restaurant and then gained access to customer and credit card data.
Profile Pic for Catherine Lyle
Catherine LyleJanuary 11, 2022
Featured Image for OFAC advisory update: How does this impact ransomware payments
OFAC advisory update: How does this impact ransomware paymentsOFAC issued an updated ransomware advisory, adding a virtual currency exchange to the sanctions list. How does this impact ransomware payments?
Profile Pic for Catherine Lyle
Catherine LyleSeptember 29, 2021
Featured Image for Coalition Claims Chronicles: When cyber insurance meets bodily injury and property damage
Coalition Claims Chronicles: When cyber insurance meets bodily injury and property damageThis series shares real stories from Coalition policyholders who navigated a cyber insurance claim. This manufacturer made a pandemic pivot and was hit with ransomware. We helped them recover from property damage.
Profile Pic for Catherine Lyle
Catherine LyleMay 05, 2021
Featured Image for Coffee with your future hacker: Why you want 2FA and need to avoid FTF
Coffee with your future hacker: Why you want 2FA and need to avoid FTFImagine you have the opportunity to sit down with your future hacker. What would they say? We know: enable Two-factor Authentication (2FA) and avoid funds transfer fraud.
Profile Pic for Catherine Lyle
Catherine LyleFebruary 24, 2021
Featured Image for What is the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) and what does it mean for your business?
What is the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) and what does it mean for your business?California voters passed Proposition 24, a ballot measure that amends the CCPA, now known as the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (CPRA). What you should know.
Profile Pic for Catherine Lyle
Catherine LyleNovember 10, 2020
Featured Image for Ransomware: Can you pay?
Ransomware: Can you pay?When looking at ransomware advisories, like OFAC's latest, one thing is clear: ransomware is on the rise and not going away any time soon — but can you pay the ransom?
Profile Pic for Catherine Lyle
Catherine LyleOctober 14, 2020
Featured Image for Claims in the time of Coronavirus
Claims in the time of CoronavirusWhile Coalition’s claims team sees a variety of cyber events on a daily basis, we understand that the quickest way to monetize the crime will always be the most common. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the crime of choice is funds transfer fraud by way of email intrusion.
Profile Pic for Catherine Lyle
Catherine LyleMay 05, 2020
Featured Image for Insuring Insurance Insures
Insuring Insurance InsuresOut of service. Under repair. Broken. It’s a frustrating message to encounter. But far more frustrating is when something works, though not in the way we know it could. Without an obvious problem, there is no immediate fix or resolution. Instead, we carry on with the status quo and settle for the unremarkable.
Profile Pic for Catherine Lyle
Catherine LyleDecember 11, 2017