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Complaints Procedure

Coalition Insurance Solutions Canada, Inc. makes every effort to deliver a high-quality service to our customers and is committed to complying with all of the regulatory requirements applicable to its business. If you have a complaint about our service, or about a claim, we operate a swift and effective complaint-handling procedure as follows:

  1. If you wish to make a complaint you should contact complaints@coalitioninc.com. We also have an online chat facility on our website where complaints can also be raised.

  2. Once a complaint has been received, we will acknowledge your complaint within one business day or as soon as practicable. We will tell you the name and relevant contact details of the person assigned to liaise with you about your Complaint. Your Complaint will be handled by a person with appropriate authority, knowledge, or experience.

  3. We strive to resolve customer complaints as quickly as possible and at the first point of contact. If this is not achievable, we aim to resolve your complaint within 5 business days, following receipt of the complaint. If we have resolved your complaint within this timeframe, we will prepare and send a written response to you. Our response will detail the findings from our investigation of your complaint.

  4. If we are unable to resolve your complaint within this timeframe, we will send an acknowledgment letter to you within 5 business days and advise you of the person who will be dealing with the complaint and when you can expect to receive a detailed response. The person dealing with the complaint will be a senior member of staff not directly involved in the matter which is the subject of the complaint. They will have the authority and experience to address the complaint and explain the results of the investigation.

  5. If another firm should more appropriately deal with your complaint, we will ensure that it is referred to them as soon as practicable and certainly no later than 5 business days of our becoming satisfied that the other firm is or may be responsible for the substance of the complaint. We will make this referral to the other firm in writing and advise you by way of a final response that the referral has been made and include the other firm’s contact details.

  6. We will investigate your complaint thoroughly and we will respond to it as soon as possible. We will provide a detailed response to your complaint in writing within 30 business days of the complaint being made or, if it is not possible to respond within that time, we will inform you in writing within 30 business days as to why we have been unable to resolve the complaint within that time, why we need more time to do so and when you can expect to receive our final response.

  7. We will write to you and explain why there is a further delay if we have not completed our investigation within 30 business days of the complaint being made. We will also confirm when we expect to issue our final response and advise you that you may be eligible to refer the complaint to the  General Insurance Ombudservice or AMF (Quebec residents). General Insurance OmbudService 

    Tel: 1-877-225-0446 (Toll Free) For residents of Quebec, you may be able to refer your complaint to the Autorité Des Marchés Financiers. L'Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) (for Quebec residents only) Québec City: 418-525-0337 Montréal: 514-395-0337 Toll-free: 1-877-525-0337

  8. If we are unable to resolve a complaint that relates to the performance of your policy or the insurer, and your policy is underwritten at Lloyd’s, you may refer your complaint to Lloyd’s for review. Lloyd’s’ contact details are below, and further information on the referral process can be found on the Lloyd’s website. Lloyd’s Underwriters FAO Complaints Officer  1155 Rue Metcalfe, Suite 2220 Montréal (Québec) H3B 2V6 1-877-455-6931 info@lloyds.ca Lloyd's How to Make a Complaint