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Person > Shelly Ma
authorShelley MaIncident Response Lead, Coalition Incident Response
Threat Actor Claims 100% Success With SIM-Swapping Extortion
Threat Actor Claims 100% Success With SIM-Swapping ExtortionSIM-swapping extortion attacks are on the rise due to self-service password resets, which help threat actors bypass interaction with their victims.
Person > Shelly Ma
Shelley MaJune 17, 2024
Cover > Blog: How Honeypots Help Cybersecurity Defenders Gather Threat Intel
It's a Trap — Honeypots Help Defenders Gather Threat IntelA cybersecurity tool, honeypots serve as digital decoys to lure and trick hackers. Here's how organizations can use honeypots to gather details about attackers.
Person > Shelly Ma
Shelley MaJuly 05, 2022
Featured Image for 3 methods of cyber deception: Bait the attacker to turn the tables on ransomware
3 methods of cyber deception: Bait the attacker to turn the tables on ransomwareBy now, ransomware doesn’t need much of an introduction. Are we utterly powerless in the face of ransomware? Discover cyber deception methods with Incident Response Lead Shelley Ma.
Person > Shelly Ma
Shelley MaJuly 01, 2021
Featured Image for Discovering digital forensics: How I went from microscopes to Microsoft (they’re not that different)
Discovering digital forensics: How I went from microscopes to Microsoft (they’re not that different)Shelley Ma, Incident Response Lead at Coalition, thought she would study forensic biology — until she met digital forensics. Let her walk you through a digital crime scene.
Person > Shelly Ma
Shelley MaMarch 30, 2021