Cyber Incident? Get Help
Person > Jeremy Turner
authorJeremy TurnerAuthor
Featured Image for Coalition at the White House: Understanding our involvement with the NIST
Coalition at the White House: Understanding our involvement with the NISTCoalition attended a White House cybersecurity meeting and is part of an industry partnership with the NIST to make the technology supply chain more secure.
Person > Jeremy Turner
Jeremy TurnerSeptember 14, 2021
Featured Image for Credential theft: Protect your phone number like you protect your social security number
Credential theft: Protect your phone number like you protect your social security numberFacebook was recently hacked. Let's explain what credential theft is and the techniques bad actors use to steal personal information. Plus, what you can do to protect yourself.
Person > Jeremy Turner
Jeremy TurnerApril 08, 2021
Featured Image for December 2020 SolarWinds breach: What you need to know
December 2020 SolarWinds breach: What you need to knowThis week, the US government fell victim to a cyber attack — not for the first time. And just one week earlier, a major cybersecurity and forensics company announced they'd been compromised as well. It’s been a busy week in the cybersecurity industry!
Person > Jeremy Turner
Jeremy TurnerDecember 16, 2020
Featured Image for The case for insurance: Cybersecurity awareness and risk management
The case for insurance: Cybersecurity awareness and risk managementCybersecurity is a tough risk to quantify (let alone understand) because most business owners and risk managers aren’t experts, and this risk is invisible and incredibly technical.
Person > Jeremy Turner
Jeremy TurnerSeptember 24, 2020
Featured Image for Sender Policy Framework: Protect your email domain reputation
Sender Policy Framework: Protect your email domain reputationSender Policy Framework (SPF) helps servers verify that email messages appearing to come from a particular domain are legitimate.
Person > Jeremy Turner
Jeremy TurnerSeptember 18, 2020
Featured Image for What you need to know about RDP
What you need to know about RDPRemote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is the prevailing indicator concerning ransomware claims, and data shows that companies are specifically targeted due to the mere presence of RDP.
Person > Jeremy Turner
Jeremy TurnerSeptember 11, 2020
Featured Image for Why using backups can save your business a $1M ransom
How Using Backups Can Save an Organization from a $1M RansomRansomware attacks can cripple an organization and cost more than $1 million in ransom. While preventing attacks can help, good backups are a smart investment.
Person > Jeremy Turner
Jeremy TurnerAugust 12, 2020