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authorCoalition Team
October Risk Roundup: Don’t get caught playing cyber Squid GamesThe Risk Roundup is our weekly collection of curated content that relates to all things digital risk management. Members of the Coalition team have pulled together their favorite posts from the week that highlight relevant trends in cybersecurity and cyber insurance. Enjoy our TL;DR and useful snippets on topics we’re keeping a close eye on.
Logo > Coalition Black
Coalition TeamOctober 29, 2021
October Risk Roundup: Financially-motivated attackers and disincentives from leadership are a bad combinationThe Risk Roundup is our weekly collection of curated content that relates to all things digital risk management. Members of the Coalition team have pulled together their favorite posts from the week that highlight relevant trends in cybersecurity and cyber insurance. Enjoy our TL;DR and useful snippets on topics we’re keeping a close eye on.
Logo > Coalition Black
Coalition TeamOctober 22, 2021
Featured Image for September Risk Roundup: Planned cyber counterstrike leaves businesses without ransomware remediation
September Risk Roundup: Planned cyber counterstrike leaves businesses without ransomware remediationA cyber counterstrike leaves businesses vulnerable in the 9/24/21 Risk Roundup. This is our weekly TL;DR and useful snippets on topics we’re watching closely.
Logo > Coalition Black
Coalition TeamSeptember 24, 2021
Featured Image for September Risk Roundup: The debate — does cyber insurance make companies less secure?
September Risk Roundup: The debate — does cyber insurance make companies less secure?Cyber insurance plays a critical role in managing risk in the 9/17/21 Risk Roundup. This is our weekly TL;DR and useful snippets on topics we’re watching closely.
Logo > Coalition Black
Coalition TeamSeptember 17, 2021
Featured Image for September Risk Roundup: We got that (insurtech) data advantage
September Risk Roundup: We got that (insurtech) data advantageInsurtech data leads to real-time results in the 9/10/21 Risk Roundup. This is our weekly TL;DR and useful snippets on topics we’re watching closely.
Logo > Coalition Black
Coalition TeamSeptember 10, 2021
Featured Image for September Risk Roundup: Last summer BBQ or cyber attack primetime?
September Risk Roundup: Last summer BBQ or cyber attack primetime?A ransomware attack could interrupt your BBQ in the 9/3/21 Risk Roundup. This is our weekly TL;DR and useful snippets on topics we’re watching closely.
Logo > Coalition Black
Coalition TeamSeptember 03, 2021
Featured Image for August Risk Roundup: Look Ma, we made it (to the White House)!
August Risk Roundup: Look Ma, we made it (to the White House)!Coalition attended the White House cybersecurity meeting in the 8/27/21 Risk Roundup. This is our weekly TL;DR and useful snippets on topics we’re watching closely.
Logo > Coalition Black
Coalition TeamAugust 27, 2021
Featured Image for August Risk Roundup: Hack a company, get a job
August Risk Roundup: Hack a company, get a jobHacking a company may lead to a job offer in the 8/20/21 Risk Roundup. This is our weekly TL;DR and useful snippets on topics we’re watching closely.
Logo > Coalition Black
Coalition TeamAugust 20, 2021
Featured Image for August Risk Roundup: Vulns, phishing, and ransomware — the cyber evolution continues
August Risk Roundup: Vulns, phishing, and ransomware — the cyber evolution continuesFlexibility is a requirement for good cybersecurity in the 8/13/21 Risk Roundup. This is our weekly TL;DR and useful snippets on topics we’re watching closely.
Logo > Coalition Black
Coalition TeamAugust 13, 2021
Featured Image for August Risk Roundup: Solving ransomware requires timely info, key stakeholders, and a solid security program
August Risk Roundup: Solving ransomware requires timely info, key stakeholders, and a solid security programInformation is key to solving ransomware in the 8/6/21 Risk Roundup. This is our weekly TL;DR and useful snippets on topics we’re watching closely.
Logo > Coalition Black
Coalition TeamAugust 06, 2021
Featured Image for July Risk Roundup: The conundrum of underwriting and protecting your organization’s data
July Risk Roundup: The conundrum of underwriting and protecting your organization’s dataIt's all about data: underwriting, backups, and avoiding phishing in the 7/23/21 Risk Roundup, our weekly TL;DR and useful snippets on topics we’re watching closely
Logo > Coalition Black
Coalition TeamJuly 23, 2021